Plot: Set three years after the first season, the story focuses on Seong Gi-hun‘s life after winning the Squid Game, stop on going to the United States and returning to the games with a new resolution in mind. He once again dives into the mysterious survival game, starting another life-or-death game with new participants gathered to win the prize of ₩45.6 billion (US$31.1 million). A side-plot of the season sees Hwang Jun-ho trying to locate Gi-hun with help from hired mercenaries.
Season 2 of Squid Game was So Good.
Pros: I’m glad that they began with where season 1 left off. I like the games were a backdrop for what’s going on with the story this season. I felt for lot of intensity and drama throughout. A lot of the new players are different enough to set there apart from the previous ones. I just binged watched this in one day. And I was surprised how the finale builds to a big climax with a surprising cliff ‘hanger.
Cons: Some characters were less likable than the previous ones. The reveal of the pink / red mask guys early did sort of ruined the mystery behind them. The games themselves felt less engaging this time around and I wasn’t prepared how the ending was going to turn out.
Genre: Survival; Thriller; Horror; Drama; Action
Created by Hwang Dong-hyuk
Written by Hwang Dong-hyuk
Directed by Hwang Dong-hyuk
Starring: Lee Jung-jae, Lee Byung-hun, Wi Ha-joon, Im Si-wan, Kang Ha-neul, Lee Jin-wook, Park Sung-hoon, Yang Dong-geun, Jo Yu-ri, Kang Ae-shim, Lee Seo-hwan [ko] & Park Gyu-young,
Music by Jung Jae-il
Executive producers: Kim Ji-yeon, Hwang Dong-hyuk
Producers: Han Heung-seok, Kim Ji-eun (Season 2)
Cinematography: Kim Ji-yong (Season 2)
Editor: Nam Na-yeong
Production companies: Siren Pictures Inc.
Network: Netflix
Casts & Characters:
Main cast:
Numbers in parentheses denote the character’s assigned player number in the Squid Game universe.
- Lee Jung-jae as Seong Gi-hun (성기훈, [sʌŋɡihun] ⓘ, 456)
- Wi Ha-joon as Hwang Jun-ho (황준호, Korean pronunciation: [hwaŋdʑunho])
- Lee Byung-hun as Hwang In-ho, the Front Man (황인호, Korean pronunciation: [hwaŋinho], 001)
- Im Si-wan as Lee Myung-gi (이명기, 333)
- Kang Ha-neul as Dae-ho (대호, 388)
- Lee Jin-wook as Gyeong-seok (경석, 246)
- Park Sung-hoon as Hyun-ju (현주, 120)
- Yang Dong-geun as Park Yong-sik (박용식, 007)
- Jo Yu-ri as Kim Jun-hee (김준희, 222)
- Kang Ae-shim as Jang Geum-ja (장금자, 149)
- Lee Seo-hwan as Jung-bae (정배, 390)
- Park Gyu-young as No-eul (노을)
- Rich Ting as Black Officer
- Kim Byeong-cheol as Square Guard Instructor
- Jeon Seok-ho as Woo-seok
- Chae Kook-hee as Seon-nyeo (선녀, 044)
- Lee David as Min-su (민수, 125)
- Choi Seung-hyun as Thanos (230)
- Roh Jae-won as Nam-gyu (남규, 124)
- Won Ji-an as Se-mi (380)
- Kim Si-eun as Young-mi (095)
- Oh Dal-su as Sea Captain Park
- Song Ji-Woo as Kang Mi-na (196)
Guest cast:
- Gong Yoo as a salesman who recruits participants for the Game
- Park Hye-jin as Sang-woo’s mother
- Park Si-wan as Kang Cheol
- Kim Pub-lae as Kim
I highly recommend watching this season on Netflix to those who still enjoy Squid Game.
Rating: 9 out of 10 Stars
Ryan Balkwill:
Resident TV reviewer,
Level Best Art Cafe