Genre: Comedy, Animated
Created by Trey Parker, Matt Stone
Written by Trey Parker
Directed by Trey Parker
Produced by Eric Stough, Bruce Howell, Adrien Beard, Vernon Chatman, Daryl Sancton, Jenny Shin, Wonnie Ro, Greg Postma, Keo Thongkham, Lydia Quidilla, John Hansen, David List, Mark Munley, Nate Pellettieri
Starring: Trey Parker, Matt Stone, April Stewart, Kimberly Brooks, Adrien Beard & Vemon Chatman.
Music by “Slippery When Wet” by Commodores, “WAP” by Cardi B featuring Megan Thee Stallion, “Use Me” by Bill Withers
Production Company: MTV Entertainment Studios, Comedy Partners
Distributor: Paramount+
Network: Paramount+
Plot: Cartman locks horns with his mum in a battle of wills while an epic conflict unfolds and threatens South Park’s very existence.
I was looking forward to this new south park movie.
South Park: The Streaming Wars was not as good as I had hoped it would be.
Pros: I did like how this new movies was centred around the topic of streaming, I like that they kept the angle involving Randy and Steve from the last season and the roles that they played in this story. The way they used Pi Pi, was surprising and by the end I got excited to see what’s coming in the next instalment.
Cons: I could do without the cartman storyline. This movie failed to make me laugh and I felt a lot of the good stuff was scaled back for a possible second instalment (in my opinion).
- Trey Parker as Stan Marsh, Eric Cartman, Randy Marsh, Harrison Yates, Pi Pi, Water Inspector
- Matt Stone as Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, Butters Stotch, ManBearPig, Mr. Cusslor
- April Stewart as Liane Cartman, Sharon Marsh, Shelly Marsh
- Kimberly Brooks
- Adrien Beard as Tolkien Black, Steve Black
- Vernon Chatman as Towelie
I recommend watching this latest south park movie to those who are still fans and as something to look forward to before Paramount+ comes to our living rooms or devices on June 22.
Rating: 2.5 out of 5 Stars
Ryan Balkwill:
Resident Flim reviewer,
Level Best Art Cafe.