Genre: Comedy, Office humor, Military fiction
Created by Steve Carell, Greg Daniels
Written by Steve Carell, Greg Daniels, Brent Forrester
Starring: Steve Carell, John Malkovich, Ben Schwartz, Diana Silvers, Tawny Newsome, Jimmy O. Yang, Don Lake, Tim Meadows, Lisa Kudrow, Fred Willard, Spencer House, Owen Daniels, Alex Sparrow, Hector Duran, Chris Gethard & Aparna Nancherla.
Composer: Carter Burwell
Executive Producers: Steve Carell, Greg Daniels, Paul King
Cinematography: Simon Chapman
Editors: David Rogers, Susan Vaill
Production Company: Deedle-Dee Productions; Film Flam; 3 Arts Entertainment
Distributor: Netflix
Plot: Under a new administration, General Naird and his dysfunctional but endearing crew have four months to prove that Space Force is worth keeping around.
Season 2 of Space Force was a Huge Letdown.
Pros: The Only Storyline I did care about was the one involving Tawny’s Character Angela & a few humorous moments.
Cons: This season is lacking a good storyline. There was not enough humour to keep me laughing. It feels like every actor was just phony, their performances in this season had a lack of excitement and nothing about this season was that captivating.
I would skip this season.
Rating: 3 out of 10 Stars
Ryan Balkwill:
Resident Film reviewer,
Level Best Art Cafe.