Synopsis: Emmy-winning animated anthology Love, Death + Robots returns with a third volume executive produced by Tim Miller (Deadpool, Terminator: Dark Fate) and David Fincher (MINDHUNTER, Mank). Terror, imagination and beauty combine in new episodes which stretch from uncovering an ancient evil to a comedic apocalypse, telling startling short stories of fantasy, horror and science-fiction with trademark wit and visual invention.
I was so looking forward to this newest volume.
Volume 3 was good.
Pros: the stuff that works from the previous volumes still works in this new one; it had a good mix of suspense, bloodshed and humour. And each episode is worth you to watch again and again.
Cons: My only criticism was I didn’t feel enthusiastic about it.
Genres: Adult animation, Anthology series, Comedy, Horror fiction, Science fantasy
Program creator: Tim Miller
Exec. Producers: David Fincher, Tim Miller, Jennifer Miller, Joshua Donen
Voices of Josh Brener, Gary Anthony Williams, Katie Lowes, Chris Parnell, Troy Baker, Kevin Jackson, Anthony Mark Barrow, Chantelle Barry, Parry Shen, Time Winters, James Preston Rogers, Jason Flemyng, Elodie Yung, Max Fowler, Mackenzie Davis, Holly Jade, David Shatraw, Joel McHale, Seth Green, Gabriel Luna, Steve Blum, Andrew Kishino, Rosario Dawson, Jason Winston George, Craig Ferguson, Dan Stevens, Joe Manganiello, Christian Serratos, Jai Courtney, Debra Wilson, Fred Tatasciore & Girvan ‘Swirv’ Bramble.
Production Companies: Blur Studio, Netflix Studios
Distributor: Netflix Streaming Services
I recommend watching this newest volume on Netflix.
Rating: 8 out of 10 Stars
Ryan Balkwill:
Resident Film reviewer,
Level Best Art Café.