Genre: Animated, Superhero, Science fiction, Comedy
Created by Don Hall
Based on Big Hero 6 by Man of Action, Big Hero 6 by Walt Disney Animation Studios
Written by Cirocco Dunlap
Voiced by Scott Adsit, Ryan Potter, Maya Rudolph, Zeno Robinson, Emily Kuroda, Lilimar & Jaboukie Young-White.
Composer: Dominic Lewis
Executive producers: Jennifer Lee, Don Hall, Roy Conli (4-6)
Producers: Roy Conli (1-3)Bradford Simonsen (4-6)
Cinematography: Jennifer Yu Farr, Scott Beattie, Rob Dressel
Editors: Sarah K. Reimers, Shannon Stein
Production Company: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Distributor: Disney Platform Distribution
Plot: In the fantastical city of San Fransokyo, the affable, inflatable, inimitable healthcare companion robot, Baymax, sets out to do what he was programmed to do: help others in any way possible.
The Baymax series was good.
Pros: I like how this shows Baymax ability to help others. I’m glad the same animated style is the exact like it was in the original Big Hero 6 Movie. The voice acting was decent enough and I ended up liking a lot of the relationships that Baymax formed with over the course of the show.
Cons: I’ve had no issues with this show.
Voice Cast:
- Scott Adsit as Baymax, a robot created by Tadashi, Hiro’s brother.
- Ryan Potter as Hiro Hamada, a student at San Fransokyo Institute of Technology.
- Maya Rudolph as Aunt Cass, Hiro’s aunt
- Zeno Robinson as Ali, Sofia’s friend
- Emily Kuroda as Kiko, a patient.
- Lilimar as Sofia, a middle school patient
- Jaboukie Young-White as Mbita
- Brian Tee as Yukio
I recommend watching this series only on Disney+.
Rating: 9 out of 10 Stars
Ryan Balkwill:
Resident TV reviewer,
Level Best Art Café.