Genre: Satire, Drama, Science fiction, Television, Comedy, Sci fi
Created by Greg Daniels
Starring: Robbie Amell, Andy Allo, Allegra Edwards, Zainab Johnson & Kevin Bigley.
Composers: Joseph Stephens
Executive producers: Greg Daniels, Howard Klein
Production Location: Vancouver, B.C.
Production companies: Deedle-Dee Productions, 3 Arts Entertainment, Reunion Pacific Entertainment, Amazon Studios
Distributor: Prime Video
Plot: This season, customer service “angel” Nora has gone off the grid into the world of a tech-resistant group leaving Nathan in Lakeview where he awkwardly settles in with his ex, Ingrid, who’s unexpectedly uploaded for him.
Season 2 of Amazon Prime’s Up-Load was Really Good.
Pros I did like how they explore the different types of relationships this time around. The light-hearted energy of this show carries on from last season all the way into this new season. It was good having Nova being this season’s main antagonist & at times I did laugh plenty of times when I was watching it.
Cons: There were a couple of moments that I found ridiculous & It took me 2 days to finish watching the rest of this season.
I recommend watching the first season of this show before seeing this season on Amazon Prime Video.
Rating: 8 out of 10 Stars
Ryan Balkwill:
Resident Film reviewer,
Level Best Art Café.