Genre: Survival, battle royale, sandbox
Developed(s): Epic Games
Publisher(s): Epic Games
Platform(s): Windows, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, iOS, Android
Storyline: In Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4: Paradise, a mysterious substance has appeared on the Island. Chrome will consume all, Chrome will be all. Embrace the Chrome by turning structures Chrome, making yourself Chrome, and proving the power of Chrome weapons. Not even wood, stone, brick, or metal is a match for Chrome.
This latest chapter was my least favourite.
Pros: I like the setup making the map completely full of chromosome. Using the chrome does make you play like the T-1000 from T2. I was glad that I can play as both Paradigm and Spider-Gwen. I bought the entire skins from Star Wars. I enjoyed getting new things from the item shop, and used the new objects a lot when I was playing this chapter .
Cons: There were not a lot that had changed to the map. The villain called The Herald didn’t do well for me as a threat. I didn’t enjoy the Halloween event that much, and as it got towards the end of the chapter and season, I began to lose concentration and wasn’t enjoying it at all.
Battle Pass:
Premium Rewards
Part 1:
Paradigm (Reality-659) Included | Para-Dive 4 | Paradigm Shift 4 | Paradigm’s Ascension 3 | V-Bucks x100 5 |
Lunar Defender 7 | The Power Inside 3 |
Part 2:
Chromestruck Fire 6 | Bytes 9 | V-Bucks x100 5 | Stinger Pack 6 | The Nothing’s Gift 7 |
Nothing is Inevitable 5 | V-Bucks x100 5 |
Part 3:
Paradigm (Reality-659) 8 | The Burnished Bus 3 | Chrome Conjurer 7 | Bytes 4 | Nothing’s Up 3 |
Bytes 8 | V-Bucks x100 5 |
Part 4:
Part 5:
Slurpmatic 4 | Small Fry Surprise 3 | V-Bucks x100 5 | Meow Skulls 9 | Sardeenz! 6 |
Fishbone Flayer 7 | Laser Focused 7 |
Part 6:
Part 7:
Lennox Rose 8 | Magnorepulsor Board 6 | OMG I LOVE IT 7 | V-Bucks x100 5 | Bun Bun Blast 3 |
Read the Manga 3 | Paradigm (Reality-659) 8 |
Part 8:
Lectrostatic Impactor 7 | Twyn 9 | Call it Bad Luck 5 | V-Bucks x100 5 | Polysynth Kite 6 |
Meow Skulls 8 | V-Bucks x100 |
Part 9:
Digitized 8 | Powered Up 3 | Lectro Tech 4 | Reloaded ‘n Ready! 3 | Twyn/Stryder 3 |
Paradigm (Reality-659) 8 | V-Bucks x100 5 |
Part 10:
Digitized 8 | Powered Up 3 | Lectro Tech 4 | Reloaded ‘n Ready! 3 | Twyn/Stryder 3 |
Paradigm (Reality-659) 8 | V-Bucks x100 5 |
Free Rewards
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Mad Mask 3 | Lunar Skyspan 6 | V-Bucks x100 5 |
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Banner Icon 2 | V-Bucks x100 5 | Portal Particles 4 |
Part 10:
Bouns Rewards:
Part 1:
Twyn (Xenon Espionage) 25 | Dirtbike Challenge 15 | Paradigm (Reality-659) (Aurora Battle Suit) 30 | Lunar Defender (Aurora Defender) 30 Comes by purchasing Paradigm (Reality-659)‘s Bonus Style | Lunar Hyperjet (Aurora Hyperjet) 30 Comes by purchasing Paradigm (Reality-659)‘s Bonus Style |
Lunar Skyspan (Aurora Skyspan) 30 Comes by purchasing Paradigm (Reality-659)‘s Bonus Style | Hexture 10 | Grriz (Wild Beary Grriz) 20 |
Part 2:
Spider-Gwen (Gwen Stacy) 15 | Swing Into Action 15 Comes by purchasing Spider-Gwen‘s Bonus Style | Paradigm (Reality-659) (Nanofiber Suit) 25 | Lennox Rose (Bubblegum Punk) 30 | Hop Drop (Bubblegum Punk) 30 Comes by purchasing Lennox Rose‘s Bonus Style |
Twyn (Pastel Stryder) 20 | Reality Falls (Contrail) 10 |
Part 3:
Paradigm (Reality-659) (Celestial) 20 | Meow Skulls (Celestial) 20 | Lennox Rose (Celestial) 20 | Spider-Gwen (Celestial) 20 | Bytes (Celestial) 20 |
Part 4:
Paradigm (Reality-659) (Spectral) 20 | Meow Skulls (Spectral) 20 | Lennox Rose (Spectral) 20 | Spider-Gwen (Spectral) 20 | Bytes (Spectral) 20 |
Part 5:
Paradigm (Reality-659) (Aurelian) 20 | Meow Skulls (Aurelian) 20 | Lennox Rose (Aurelian) 20 | Spider-Gwen (Aurelian) 20 | Bytes (Aurelian) 20 |
Victory Royale Rewards
Chromebrella (Umbrella) Victory Royale | Crowning Achievement Victory Royale with a Victory Crown equipped |
Chapter Rating: 5 out of 10 Stars
Ryan Balkwill:
Resident Video Game reviewer,
Level Best Art Café